Beginner Mix & Match

This category is only for beginners. Enter as either a lead or a follow and be randomly paired with dancers of the opposite role. No need to enter with a partner. 

To enter you must have started swing dancing on or after 1 January 2023. You may only enter this category once – you cannot enter one year as a follow and another year as a lead or vice versa. This category replaces the old “Up and Comers.” 

In the heats, competitors are judged separately on their ability to lead or follow. In the finals competitors are randomly assigned 1 partner and are judged as a couple.

Heats Format: All-skate, 3 partners, 3 songs
Final Format: Spotlight (2 couples at once, so you never have to dance on your own), then final all-skate.
Tempo: 130 – 165bpm