Beginner Mix & Match
This category is only for beginners. Enter as either a lead or a follow and be randomly paired with dancers of the opposite role. No need to enter with a partner.
To enter you must have started swing dancing on or after 1 January 2023. You may only enter this category once – you cannot enter one year as a follow and another year as a lead or vice versa. This category replaces the old “Up and Comers.”
There will be no heats for this category.
Format: All-skate, 3 partners, 3 songs
Tempo: 130 – 165bpm

Open Mix & Match
The Open Mix & Match is aimed at intermediate level dancers. If you have placed in an Open Mix & Match before in a national level competition, we recommend the Advanced Mix & Match as the event for you. You can only enter one of Open Mix & Match or Advanced Mix & Match.
Enter as either a lead or a follow and be randomly paired with dancers of the opposite role. No need to enter with a partner. In the heats, competitors are judged separately on their ability to lead or follow. In the finals competitors are randomly assigned 1 partner and are judged as a couple.
Heats Format: All-skate, 3 partners, 3 songs
Final Format: Shines, then final all-skate
Tempo: 130 – 200bpm

Advanced Mix & Match
If you have placed in an Open Mix & Match before in a national level competition, we recommend the Advanced Mix & Match as the place for you. You can only enter one of Open Mix & Match or Advanced Mix & Match.
Enter as either a lead or a follow and be randomly paired with dancers of the opposite role. No need to enter with a partner. In the heats, competitors are judged separately on their ability to lead or follow. In the finals competitors are randomly assigned 1 partner and are judged as a couple.
Heats Format: All-skate, 3 partners, 3 songs
Final Format: Shines, then final all-skate
Tempo: 100 – 230bpm

Open Strictly Lindy
You’re an intermediate level dancer who is comfortable with social dancing and have started venturing into the world of comps. You might be a member of a performance troupe.
You can only enter one of the Open Strictly Lindy, or the Advanced Strictly Lindy. You must enter as a couple.
Heats Format: All-skate format
Final Format: Battle
Tempo: 130 – 200bpm

Advanced Strictly Lindy
You’ve been dancing for donkey’s years and this probably ain’t your first rodeo (dance comp). You’re comfortable at fast tempos, love to work hard on your dancing and might be in an advanced level performance troupe. Maybe you love aerials (we do!), maybe you don’t (that’s cool too) – either way, this is your chance to BRING IT!
You can only enter one of the Open Strictly Lindy, or the Advanced Strictly Lindy. You must enter as a couple.
Heats Format: All-skate
Final Format: Battle
Tempo: 200 – 240 bpm

Solo Jazz
Strut your stuff solo, from 1920s charleston to 1940s vernacular jazz. Be ready for a wide variety of tunes, anything from cruisy to crazy. Enter solo and duel to the finish line with the electrifying battle format. This one’s always a favourite, so register quickly.
Heats format: All skate
Semi Final format: Battle
Final format: Shines
Tempo: 100 – 220bpm